Powder coating has today established itself as the most effective means of metal surface finishing. It has replaced liquid painting and various methods of electroplating due to the many advantages this process offers …
- Substantial improvement to chemical corrosion
- Substantially improved resistance to mechanical abuse – better scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and
- mechanical wear and tear
- Cleaner process for improved environment
- Faster process for better productivity through the paint-shop
- Requires less skills for high quality coatings
- Guarantees uniform and consistent results
- Substantially improved aesthetics for higher sales value of the finished product
- Requires lower energy per Meter2 of surface coated
- Requires lesser care in storing and packing due to the toughness of the coat
- Is cost-effective
Powder coating is a simple process requiring minimal skills and training. The articles to be coated are first cleaned of all foreign matter from the surface. Mild steel components need to go through a phosphate conversion coating. Aluminum components go through a chromate conversion coating. This, known as pretreatment, is employed for improved bonding of the powder coat to the material being coated to provide a longer life to the coat. The method employed usually is a dip in chemicals and water in various tanks. Occasionally, the process may be automated through a spray pretreatment process.
A batch powder coating system:-
The ‘pretreated’ articles are jigged and hung into the coating booth on a fixed or rotatable jig-holder. The manual coater coats the components from all sides. The articles are then moved out onto an oven trolley (or directly into the oven). The trolley, if used, is rolled into the oven when full. In the oven, at a temperature of 180-220oC, in 10-15 minutes, the powder melts, polymerizes fuses and cures into the final tough uniform and consistent powder coat that has high aesthetic value. At the end of the curing schedule, the trolley is rolled out of the oven and allowed to cool down. The articles are then removed out from the paint-shop.
A conveyorized powder coating system:-
The ‘pretreated’ articles are jigged and loaded onto the continuously moving overhead conveyor. As the conveyor moves the articles through the coating booth, they are coated on all sides by manual and/or automated spray guns. The conveyor then carries the articles into the tunnel oven (or in a semi-automated version, the articles are offloaded for off-line curing). In the oven, at a skin temperature of 180-220oC, in 10-15 minutes, the powder melts, polymerizes, fuses and cures into the tough uniform and consistent powder coat that has high aesthetic value. At the end of the curing schedule, the article moves out of the oven (or the trolley is rolled out of the oven) and allowed to cool down through a cool-off zone. The articles are then removed off the conveyor and taken out of the paint-shop.
The Powder Coating System
Complete powder coating systems come in two versions – a batch system and a conveyorized system. The primary difference is the mode of material movement from operation to operation. Powder coating itself may be by manually held spray guns or by automated guns fixed-mounted or reciprocator-mounted.
- A complete powder coating system requires the following components -
consisting of tanks or tubs containing chemicals or water in which the articles are dipped to clean and prepare the surface for powder coating. The size of the tanks depends on the size and quantity of articles to be coated. The specific process depends on the metal make-up of the article.
consisting of tanks or tubs containing chemicals or water in which the articles are dipped to clean and prepare the surface for powder coating. The size of the tanks depends on the size and quantity of articles to be coated. The specific process depends on the metal make-up of the article.
POWDER SPRAY SYSTEM (also known as the powder coating machine)
is considered the heart of the powder paint shop. Normally an electrostatic powder spray system is used. This sprays electro statically charged powder into the spray booth where the articles to be coated are hung. Electrostatic forces provide a uniform and consistent coating quality. Major strides have been made in the design of these machines offering major benefits to the user.
in which the actual powder coating is carried out. The efficiency of recovery of over sprayed powder for reuse decides the economics of powder coating. The efficiency of overall retention of over sprayed powder decides the pollution-free worthiness of the system. There are two types of powder recovery booths – Filter Cartridge type and the Hyper Cyclone type.
in which the powder coated articles are placed for 10 to 15 minutes at the recommended temperature for the powder to melt, polymerize, fuse and cure into the final finish of high aesthetic appeal with strong mechanical and chemical properties.